Шановні партнери!
Звертаємо Вашу увагу, що постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 13 червня 2024 № 689 запроваджено ще один цифровий інструмент у лісовій галузі, який є обов’язковим для 100% лісокористувачів – фотофіксацію деревини.
Тепер система електронного обліку деревини (ЕОД) формуватиме ТТН лише після завантаження до неї фото транспортного засобу з деревиною. При чому тепер транспортний засіб разом з деревиною має фотографуватись з чотирьох ракурсів, і тільки потім завантажуватись в систему ЕОД. Лише після цього система ЕОД формуватиме товарно-транспортну накладу (ТТН) для перевезення деревини до місця призначення.
Інформація про ТТН є відкритою. Будь-хто може знайти конкретну накладну на сайті ДП «ЛІАЦ» за номером документу або номером автомобіля, перейшовши за посиланням open.ukrforest.com
Навчальні матеріали, а саме, інструкція щодо реалізації лісоматеріалів з використанням функціоналу «Фотофіксація» для лісокористувачів та інших суб’єктів господарювання розміщена за посиланням https://www.ukrforest.com/files/manual/2024-06-17_(photo).pdf

State Enterprise "Forestry Innovation and Analytical Center" supplements its activities by launching the digital "Bulletin of Forestry Industry" - https://bulletin.com.ua/.
"Bulletin of Forestry Industry" is an information assistant for enterprises that use these materials to study and analyze the state of the world wood markets, which allows forecasting and planning work, developing strategy and making effective management decisions.
Going online allows to publish important events and news of the forestry industry in a timely manner, as well as to respond in a timely manner to changes in the global wood market.
We also invite interested companies and organizations that wish to cooperate or to place the advertisements on the website "Bulletin of Forestry Industry".
Details can be found by calling 044-545-73-58 or by e-mail visnyk@ukrforest.com

OFFICIALLY! State Enterprise "Forestry Innovative Research Centre" informs that all regions of Ukraine have joined the agency support service for obtaining a certificate of origin of timber and lumber made from it for export operations.
In addition, State Enterprise "Forestry Innovative Research Centre" provides consultations to exporters regarding the necessary documents and organizational measures aimed at obtaining a certificate.
The fee for receiving consultations is 1 000 UAH per month.
Contact State Enterprise "Forestry Innovative Research Centre" and quickly solve your questions!

In order to make it impossible for the enemy to use it and during the period of martial law, State Enterprise "Forestry Innovative Research Centre" limited free access to some electronic information services, in particular those containing cartographic information.
In turn, we would like to inform you that as of today, State Enterprise "Forestry Innovative Research Centre" has ensured the stable operation of the following electronic information services, which are free and available to all interested parties and the public:
Unified register of logging tickets;
Service for verifying the origin of the legality of wood (by tag/vehicle/ waybill numbers);
AS "Pozhezhi".
Currently, only authorized users have access to other information services. After the joint Victory over the enemy and the end of martial law, access to all sections of the site and electronic information services will be restored even for unauthorized users.
We appeal to all interested parties to use only reliable information posted on the websites of State Enterprise "Forestry Innovative Research Centre" and State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine.

We create forests together
The forest is fresh air and a clean environment. Thanks to the forest, biodiversity is preserved. As part of the President's "Green Country" program, we will plant 1 billion new trees in 3 years, and increase the area of forests by 1 million hectares in 10 years. We invite everyone to join the greening of the country!
Within the framework of the program of the President of Ukraine

To the attention of permanent forest users!
We inform you that the state-owned enterprise "Forestry Innovation and Analytical Center" has developed the "Fire" automated system software product, which allows you to receive timely information about fires in the form of anomalous temperature increases based on satellite data (probable occurrence of a forest fire) on the territory of the forest fund.
To connect to AS "Pozhezhi", you need to conclude a contract and send two copies to the address: 01013, Kyiv, str. Woodworking, 1.

1. The ability to check primary documents provided by exporters for issuing certificates (waybill -forest, logging tickets) automatically in the ETA database.
2. The possibility of accepting applications and documents for issuing certificates and issuing certificates in electronic form through the exporter's electronic office (currently, more than 200 exporters receive certificates through electronic offices).
3. Online support for exporters when using the electronic cabinet.
4. Established cooperation with customs authorities regarding more prompt provision of information on issued certificates.
5. Placement of analytical information about issued certificates in public access (on own website) stat.ukrforest.com

Software product "Logging ticket"
The main goal of the implementation of the software product is to create a single electronic registry of logging tickets with a high level of protection, to ensure efficient and high-quality automation of data entry and data processing.
The task of the "Logging ticket" software product is to systematize the data processing that accompany the creation of permit documents for a logging ticket, followed by their visualization on a map, which precedes their entry into the Unified State Register.
Main functions:- ensuring the stable operation of all users in "on-line" mode based on Web technology and providing access to the information of this product to all persons interested in information;
- creation of an electronic logging ticket;
- entering logging ticket data into a single electronic database;
- checking the entered data of the electronic logging ticket;
- issuance of an electronic logging ticket;
- visualization on the map of data regarding permit documents.